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n. (plural of demonology English)

Usage examples of "demonologies".

Look to the demonologies, Petyr, the old books by the rabid clergy who do believe in devils, for those books contain more true knowledge of how to control these invisible beings than you might think.

And the historian must point out to him, for all the good it will do, that the fabrications of his demonologies come from the pagan peasant lore.

And if memory serves me now, I must aver that what we see through the legends, the books of magic, and the demonologies is a legion of entities which can be called up by name, and commanded by witches or sorcerers.

He is not the incubus of the demonologies who can steal the seed from sleeping men.

And if any of these find a little illicit fun by the way, their theories and dreams and theologies and demonologies are undoubtedly the better for it.

Without football’s myriad demonologies, how are those who have been distanced from the modern world supposed to prove that they understand it?