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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Demoniacally \Dem`o*ni"a*cal*ly\, adv. In a demoniacal manner.


adv. In a demoniacal manner


adv. in a very agitated manner; as if possessed by an evil spirit [syn: frenetically]

Usage examples of "demoniacally".

His face, no longer immobile, writhed demoniacally and his eyes glowed like coals of black fire.

For the most part, standing as we were on the bridge twenty feet above the level of the ice--the rest of the _Dolphin_ might never have existed, as far as the eye could tell--we were above this billowing ground swell of ice particles--but occasionally the wind gusted strongly, and the spicules lifted, drummed demoniacally against the already ice-sheathed starboard side of the sail, drove against the few exposed inches of our skin with all the painfully stinging impact of a sand blaster held at arm's length.

He fought demoniacally, seeking to use teeth and feet and raking nails, and meanwhile he ululated like a satan.