n. (context chiefly US English) a competition in which contestants crash old cars into each other, the last vehicle surviving being the winner.
Demolition derby is a motorsport usually presented at county fairs and festivals. While rules vary from event to event, the typical demolition derby event consists of five or more drivers competing by deliberately ramming their vehicles into one another. The last driver whose vehicle is still operational is awarded the victory.
Demolition derbies originated in the United States and quickly spread to other Western nations. In Europe, this type of event is called " banger racing", although in a demolition derby, racers do not race against each other, instead aiming specifically to destroy the other cars. The first demolition derby in Australia took place in January 1963.
Demolition derbies can be dangerous. Although serious injuries are rare, they do happen. Drivers are typically required to sign a waiver to release the promoter of an event from liability. To make the event safer, all glass is removed from the vehicle, and deliberately ramming the driver's-side door area is forbidden. The driver's door is often required to be painted white with black numbers or blaze orange, or with contrasting colors, for visibility. Most demolition derbies are held on dirt tracks, or in open fields, that are usually soaked with water. This causes the competition area to become muddy, which helps to further slow the vehicles. The part of the vehicle used to ram opponents varies. Some drivers use both the front and rear of the vehicle to ram the other competitors. Others tend to use only the rear end of the vehicle, to help protect the engine compartment from damage.
Demolition Derby is the fourth album by folk guitarist Sandy Bull, released in 1972 through Vanguard Records. Songwriter Patti Smith, who was a known admirer of Bull's work, said "Even at its most 'cosmic,' Demolition Derby is still sleazy... juicy... American. Yeah it's a real cool record."
Usage examples of "demolition derby".
The lighting in the demolition derby stadium office was soft and diffused, and Kaldak had to step closer to study the group photo on the desk.
At least half the crowd around the White House during those last few days looked like people who spend every weekend prowling the Demolition Derby circuit.
It said that as this was a demolition derby that would test laps and hours of endurance, both bombers and stock cars could participate.
Two days after that, ticket sales must not have been brisk enough, because by popular demand, the race became a Demolition Derby and Combined Endurance Run.
First, Madison got the race converted to a Demolition Derby and Combined Endurance Run with a dozen and a half killers, all screaming for Heller's blood.
After blowing three more asteroids to non-threatening bits, he could retire from the Cooperative's demolition derby.
How could you see it as anything more meaningful than a Saturday night demolition derby?
We held a demolition derby with the Jeep, the Mercedes, and three of the sports cars.
Dolan ripped away from Drusilla Sobek's house like the queen of the Demolition Derby.
She hadn't explained just what a demolition derby was, but Dietrich Zuehlke clearly realized that it wasn't a sedate music recital.
So many cars and trucks were slamming together, backing up and charging one another again that the parking lot resembled a gargantuan demolition derby.
Smoke was indeed pouring out of the bar, and an impromptu demolition derby was shaping up.