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a. (context psychology English) delusional.

Usage examples of "delusionary".

A man wandered right into his death, blithe and believing, until madness sucked his companions down into that delusionary hell with him.

I had erected a delusionary system to deny my participation in a violent act.

Were all my dreams a delusionary system of unparalleled complexity and influence, or was I merely a madman who happened to be right?

If all he wanted was a real queen to sit on his delusionary throne, he could have established a far more peaceful palace in any number of dark wilderness lairs.

There had been bouts of retching, moments of delusionary terror, and she was still shaking as with a fatal ague, but slowly she felt her body and her mind recuperating.

Vacaville reinforced my belief that the population of Diamond Bar was being transformed by person or persons unknown into a brain-dead congregation of delusionaries, and fearful of joining them, I intensified my focus on escape, exploring the sub-basements, the walls, the turrets, searching for potential threats.

Thirdmark is for people of low intelligence, but Fourthmark holds delusionaries of high intelligence, too.