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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Delphinic \Del*phin"ic\, a. [See Delphin, n.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, the dolphin; phocenic.

Delphinic acid. (Chem.) See Valeric acid, under Valeric. [Obs.]


Delphinic \Del*phin"ic\, a. [From NL. Delphinium, the name of the genus.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, the larkspur; specifically, relating to the stavesacre ( Delphinium staphisagria).


a. Relating to dolphins; delphine.

Usage examples of "delphinic".

In the previous meeting the screen had only shown maps, or what Aivas had called “sonar” readings, not these glimpses of delphinic activities, doing what he had observed them doing, disporting in the seas, most of his life.

We don’t do much for them apart from pry off a bloodfish now and then …” Readis paused, not wanting to appear to belittle the delphinic accomplishment but he had to be truthful to the dragonrider, “but nothing at all like the great work they did exploring the oceans and coastlines.

In the previous meeting the screen had only shown maps, or what Aivas had called "sonar' readings, not these glimpses of delphinic activities, doing what he had observed them doing, disporting in the seas, most of his life.

Readis paused, not wanting to appear to belittle the delphinic accomplishment but he had to be truthful to the dragonrider, "but nothing at all like the great work they did exploring the oceans and coastlines.

In the previous meeting the screen had only shown maps, or what Aivas had called "sonar' readings, not these glimpses of delphinic activities, doing what he had observed them doing, disporting in the seas, most of his life.

Readis paused, not wanting to appear to belittle the delphinic accomplishment but he had to be truthful to the dragonrider, "but nothing at all like the great work they did exploring the oceans and coastlines.

They may tell dragons what they 'remember' seeing but I think it's analogous to the Tillek's knowledge of delphinic history.

Persellan shielded his eyes, peering out to where the Fair Winds rode at anchor: some of her rigging was restored and the waterline hole had been repaired with delphinic help.

In the previous meeting the screen had only shown maps, or what Aivas had called sonar' readings, not these glimpses of delphinic activities, doing what he had observed them doing, disporting in the seas, most of his life.