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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Deliquesce \Del`i*quesce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Deliquesced; p. pr. & vb. n. Deliquescing.] [L. deliquescere to melt, dissolve; de- + liquescere to become fluid, melt, fr. liquere to be fluid. See Liquid.] (Chem.) To dissolve gradually and become liquid by attracting and absorbing moisture from the air, as certain salts, acids, and alkalies.

In very moist air crystals of strontites deliquesce.


vb. (present participle of deliquesce English)

Usage examples of "deliquescing".

Draxon said, looking around at the blood spattered room and the demon deliquescing before his eyes.

The deliquescing, the warmth that had run through it, was gone, overridden by a certain sluggishness of foot, a shortness of breath.