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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Delightful \De*light"ful\, a. Highly pleasing; affording great pleasure and satisfaction. ``Delightful bowers.''
--Spenser. ``Delightful fruit.''

Syn: Delicious; charming. See Delicious. -- De*light"ful*ly, adv. -- De*light"ful*ness, n.


adv. In a delightful manner.


adv. in a delightful manner; "the farm house, though in itself a small one, is delightfully situated"

Usage examples of "delightfully".

Although, as I recall upon several occasions, Agassiz could express his views delightfully and impressively to a single auditor, his eminently social nature and his lifelong habit rendered it easier for him to address a group of interested listeners.

The Count had suddenly become for me a delightfully curious phenomenon, and I passed the rest of the day in meditating on the strange ineffaceability of race-characteristics.

London, so individual and overwhelming, is to him delightfully musty, a deep cellar of the Museum full of damp books and mice: the sea-girt imperial grandeur, so splendidly indifferent to any aesthetic consideration, is orgulously irrelevant to the present purpose.

Bill Peniston did not, as expected, have them shake hundreds of hands and be delightfully sympathetic about babies.

A soothing drift of cool air floated toward him out of the twilight, carrying with it a delightfully complex mingling of odors, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, roasted meat, rich wine, pungent perfume, the tang of sliced lemons, all the wondrous aromas of some nearby lavish banquet.

The girls at the opera are not much more clever, and in spite of that, with a good voice and some taste, one can sing delightfully.

They decided on a frivolous chintz-covered cushion, beribboned and lace-edged, smelling delightfully of the lavender and rose leaves with which it was stuffed and by then, having wasted a great deal of time in almost every department, it was teatime.

Buried in silence and shadow, delightfully stretched beneath your warm eider-down coverlets, we will slowly enjoy the happiness of being together, and we will wish one another good-morning only on the stroke of noon.

Antonius Orator had had a very successful three-year campaign against the pirates of Cilicia and Pamphylia, which he finished in some style from his headquarters in the delightfully cosmopolitan and cultured city of Athens.

It was one of those delightfully irregular houses where you go up and down steps out of one room into another, and where you come upon more rooms when you think you have seen all there are, and where there is a bountiful provision of little halls and passages, and where you find still older cottage-rooms in unexpected places with lattice windows and green growth pressing through them.

Years ago, FLAP gained modest attention by distributing delightfully seditious bumper stickers that said: LEAVING FLORIDA?

The drink is delightfully cold, its flavour closer to beer than the lager which Baz offered him.

But when that smoking chowder came in, the mystery was delightfully explained.

The stakes were different, when I was Delaunay's anguissette, a delightfully decadent secret to be shared among peers with certain vices.

Spies were ev'rywhere, some working for this redoubtable Lady, with her Jansenists and Philosopher, others for Parties whose Fortunes would have intermesh'd more and less naturally with those of any Flying Automaton, the Jesuits, of course, the British, the Prussian Military, along with Detectives upon missions Bourbon and Orleanist, Corsican Adventurers, Martinist Illuminati, a Grand Melange of Motive As no one was what he, and, for the most part delightfully, she, claim'd, no one told or expected the truth.