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vb. (en-third-person singular of: deliberate)

Usage examples of "deliberates".

When a man, at any time, deliberates concerning his own conduct (as, whether he had better, in a particular emergence, assist a brother or a benefactor), he must consider these separate relations, with all the circumstances and situations of the persons, in order to determine the superior duty and obligation.

But he that deliberates, is so farre forth free, nor can be said to have already given: But if he promise often, and yet give seldome, he ought to be condemn'd of levity, and be called not a Donour, but Doson.

But the mind, whenever roused by any pleasing or painful sensation, in most cases looks round her, and deliberates whether a change of state is proper, or the present more eligible.

I pick a flyer at random in the fifth race, San-xiang deliberates before picking the odds-on favorite.

I answered slowly, after the manner of one who deliberates, "if you are persuaded that your conclusions touching Bardelys are correct.

When love once pleas admission to our hearts (In spite of all the virtue we can boast) The woman that deliberates is lost.

You now cut off its right foot: the headless body deliberates, and after a while tries to do with its left foot what it can no longer do with its right.