Dekon is a village that consists of more than 100 families, and it was built by the man whose name is (Hmasalimbag) 100 years ago.
It has the primary, secondary school, clinic, water project, an asphalt road, with a phone line that connects it to Khormal town and to all of Kurdistan and Iraq.
It is 3 km away from khormal and 10 km from Halabja city.
It was destroyed 2 times by the Iraqi regime the first time thirteenth of 20’s century and second time was 1987.
It was rebuilt after Kurdish revolution on 1991.
Also as I heard from elderly people of this village, that there were only 12 families that gathered and were doing agriculture and feeding animals and then became larger day by day. On of the very old families whom made the village bigger is the Family of Hami Amin also known Sofi Muhammad and his brother Ahmadi Amin.
Another family is Faraj family father of 5 sons: Rauf Muhammad Zahir Hadi Mahdi. Another famous family is Hami aulqadir and Mahmood Aulqadir.