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vb. (standard spelling of from=non-Oxford British spelling dehumanize English)

  1. v. deprive of human qualities; "Life in povery has dehumanized them" [syn: dehumanize] [ant: humanize]

  2. make mechanical or routine [syn: dehumanize]

Usage examples of "dehumanise".

Science does not dehumanise man, it de-homunculises him, and it must do so if it is to prevent the abolition of the human species.

He had been through the dehumanising cruelty of warrior training, a fate that Phaid had gone to very serious lengths to avoid.

I think it is largely the breach between this comfonless world, with its gigantic and largely dehumanised reconstruction, and the natural and ancestral tastes of the Dutch, that has (as it seems) made them, in R[otterdam] especially, almost intoxicated with hobbits !

But that "other world" is well concealed from man, that dehumanised, inhuman world, which is a celestial naught.