vb. (obsolete spelling of defraud English)
Usage examples of "defraude".
The Creeks and Choctaws remained on their individual plots, but great numbers of them were defrauded by land companies.
Creeks, defrauded of their land, short of money and food, refused to go West.
He saw them approach--nay, fancied he beheld the mutual expression of their sympathizing eyes, and he turned away, and hurried homeward, with the feeling of a heart already overborne, and defrauded in all its hopes and expectations.
Sending at once for a locksmith, he had all the drawers broken open, and soon acquired the irrefutable evidence that the Mutual Credit had been defrauded of sums, which, as far as now known, amount to upwards of twelve millions.
Favoral, but for the stockholders who have been impudently defrauded, the twelve millions which are missing from the funds of the Mutual Credit.
To it the pluckiest of the defrauded taos now repaired in search of redress, Blas with the rest.
They were then arrested for defrauding the company by refusing to work, and sentenced to three months in the Galveston county jail.
When the Marquis de Tregars returned to Paris, and they set about defrauding him of his fortune, she did not hesitate a moment to become his mistress again.
Lydia, Winston Barnett and I have been defrauding the governments of three countries: England, the United States, and France .
Or otherwise worthless land sold at an inflated price, and the profits shared back with the officer, straight into his own pocket, defrauding the company and the investors?
Memory teased him that Dundas had been accused of defrauding for much larger profits than anything written here.
My own tenuous guesses would have included child-molesting, embezzlement, the defrauding of widows.