Deflocked is a comic strip written and illustrated by Jeff Corriveau, which follows the adventures of four major characters, described as “deliriously funny yet seriously dysfunctional.” The strip, which Corriveau originally based loosely on Hippocrates' Four Humours attempts to detail relationships similar to Norman Lear’s All in the Family through the exploits of Mamet, a wayward sheep, the dog siblings Cobb and Rupert, and Tucker, an 8-year-old boy raised by the dogs. The strip was syndicated in May 2008.
The strip is set in the American suburbs on an old farmstead called Lubberland Farms which has a secret home for displaced, disenchanted, and disoriented outcasts. Mamet, a self-absorbed sheep, is the main character who acts recklessly and at times insults the other characters. He interacts with the mature, morally centered dog Cobb and Cobb’s immature but devoted younger sibling Rupert. The two dogs raise Tucker, a human boy with a dark and twisted disposition.