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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Deflector \De*flect"or\, n. (Mech.) That which deflects, as a diaphragm in a furnace, or a cone in a lamp (to deflect and mingle air and gases and help combustion).


n. Something which deflects something else, especially a stream of fluid or particles.


n. a device intended to turn aside the flow of something (water or air or smoke etc)


Deflector may refer to:

  • Jet blast deflector
  • Wind deflector
  • Fire screen
  • Deflector shield, in Star Trek
  • Drop Pipe Deflector

Usage examples of "deflector".

Sidearm had a long, heavy rib running from its muzzle to the base of its handshield, a deflector for defense against edged or blunt weapons in hand-to-hand combat.

Once it was hooked up, Batman knew, another crewman would check the holdback bar that would keep the Tomcat from breaking free until the moment of the launch, and the jet-blast deflector would rise into position behind the plane.

He reached for the antigrav control and pushed the deflectors on hard swing.

Be ready to transfer away from shields and to the SIF generators if the nebula disrupts our deflectors beyond use.

The de-stroyer, already in a position to fire, held its ground and un-loaded, pounding the deflectors mercilessly.

Pressure to bring down the minefield had finally become inexorable, and this coincided, luckily or unluckily, with Damar's idea to use the station's deflectors as an antigraviton weapon against the mines.

Pressure to bring down the minefield hadfinally become inexorable, and this coincided, luck-ily or unluckily, with Damar's idea to use thestation's deflectors as an antigraviton weaponagainst the mines.

Deflector shield technology had come a long way since Captain Kirk braved the barrier in the original Starship Enterprise.

Although he knew that Commander Grace’s modifications to the deflector shields protected the ship’s dilithium crystals from the region’s debilitative effects, it was still comforting to be back in normal space.

Dukat would know that the station's deflector gridthat would drag down the mine field, and not theships defending it, would be the Federation fleet'starget.

The dispersion in the Romulan shuttle’s navigational deflector would not be differentiable from the background noise of the universe at too high a level of granularity.

The Bona Fide plant and the surrounding area never even felt the tremor -your quake deflectors worked perfectly!

A crackle of lightning etched its way across the screen, throwing off discharges of bright blue Cerenkov radiation wherever the electrical bursts intersected with the ship's deflector shields.

Now the river of hot gases blasting from the plane's twin exhaust pipes and flowing up over the jet blast deflector shimmered as the blast-furnace heat distorted the light.

A KGB man was coming over the Jeep, Rourke rammed the flash deflectored muzzle of the M-16 into his right eye, snatching the just dead man's M-16, firing point blank at a Soviet guard less than a yard away, severing the man's head from the body at the neck.