The Collaborative International Dictionary
deflationary \deflationary\ adj.
of or pertaining to deflation; as, deflationary signs.
(Economics) associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money; as, deflationary measures. Opposite of inflationary.
a. 1 Associated with or tending to cause deflation. 2 (context philosophy logic English) Belonging or relating to a family of theory claiming that assertions that predicate truth of a statement do not attribute a property called ''truth'' to such a statement.
adj. associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money; "deflationary measures" [ant: inflationary]
Usage examples of "deflationary".
The faux-young boomers feel betrayed, forced back into the labor pool, but unable to cope with the implant-accelerated culture of the new millennium, their hard-earned experience rendered obsolete by deflationary time.
Gambling on a continuation of the worst aspects of the human condition – disease, senescence, and death – looks like a good way to lose money, and a deflationary spiral lasting almost fifty hours has taken down huge swaths of the global stock market.
He had headed a government in early 1924 which introduced severe deflationary measures against the working class and ruled by emergency decree.
Even when Bossie had been restored to parents limp with reaction, but just resilient enough to receive him back with deflationary calm, even when Sergeant Moon and Willie the Twig had ferried all the victorious choirboys back to the bosoms of their families, with flattering accounts of their ingenuity and heroism, calculated to inflame parental pride and disarm parental rage, even when an ambulance had carried away a conscious but incoherent Colin Barren to hospital and strict guard, pending a charge of murder, and a flustered John Stubbs had arrived to complain bitterly about the wanton damage to his wall, the activity within the north walk of the cloister still continued.