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The Collaborative International Dictionary

deflated \deflated\ adj. 1. brought low in spirit. left us fatigued and deflated spiritually

Syn: chapfallen, chopfallen, crestfallen.


vb. (en-past of: deflate)

  1. adj. brought low in spirit; "left us fatigued and deflated spiritually" [syn: chapfallen, chopfallen, crestfallen]

  2. collapsed through the release of gas or air [ant: inflated]

Usage examples of "deflated".

The reasoning deflated Glass, yet still he said, "I'm honored, my lord.

And this more than anything deflated Lukien, for he knew that even a great fortress like Grimhold could not stand without men to secure it.

Anyway, I do believe I'm out of my league getting mixed up with a guy like this," she said, pointing with her chin to the deflated Bronco.

Lanny, stunned by the violence of the crash and entangled in his deflated air bag, did not resist as Kreiss hauled him back over the seat and stuffed him down into the space between the backseat and the floor.