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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Deficiency \De*fi"cien*cy\, n.; pl. Deficiencies. [See Deficient.] The state of being deficient; inadequacy; want; failure; imperfection; shortcoming; defect. ``A deficiency of blood.''

[Marlborough] was so miserably ignorant, that his deficiencies made him the ridicule of his contemporaries.

Deficiency of a curve (Geom.), the amount by which the number of double points on a curve is short of the maximum for curves of the same degree.


n. (plural of deficiency English)

Usage examples of "deficiencies".

Since he'd landed, he had steadily complained to her about his mobile partner's deficiencies and shortcomings.

When Hrrubans and Hayumans alik reached out to slap his back or grab his hand, Tod became aware of the deficiencies of his appearano in such a gathering.

This was the time of year for Parent Con sultations, and deficiencies were usually scheduled first.

Reduced, in this extremity, to the resources of his own mind, he displayed a prudent intrepidity, which compensated for all the deficiencies of the place and garrison.

All sorts of deficiencies in cultivated plants have led to a recognition that the soil is impoverished of certain elements by intensive modern cultivation, and that it is to the lack of these elements that the deficiencies are due.

Much work has meanwhile been done in classifying the various deficiencies and in devising ways of giving the soil chemical substitutes for what is lacking.

Until they corrected those deficiencies in their knowledge, all Picard could do was to treat the ritual as another complex test of protocol.

All are related to trace element deficiencies within the enzymatic structures.

Selar’s preliminary tests linked the mental instability with enzyme malfunctions and showed the biochemical imbalances were related to trace element deficiencies in the diet of the Jarada on Bel-Minor.