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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Deepen \Deep"en\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Deepened; p. pr. & vb. n. Deepening.]

  1. To make deep or deeper; to increase the depth of; to sink lower; as, to deepen a well or a channel.

    It would . . . deepen the bed of the Tiber.

  2. To make darker or more intense; to darken; as, the event deepened the prevailing gloom.

    You must deepen your colors.

  3. To make more poignant or affecting; to increase in degree; as, to deepen grief or sorrow.

  4. To make more grave or low in tone; as, to deepen the tones of an organ.

    Deepens the murmur of the falling floods.


n. The act of becoming deeper. vb. (present participle of deepen English)

  1. adj. accumulating and becoming more intense; "the deepening gloom"; "felt a deepening love"; "the gathering darkness"; "the thickening dusk" [syn: deepening(a), gathering(a), thickening(a)]

  2. n. a process of becoming deeper and more profound


Deepening may refer to:

  • Rapid deepening
  • Capital deepening
  • Financial deepening

Other uses:

  • Dredging
  • Port Phillip Channel Deepening Project

Usage examples of "deepening".

Phillipa would have to reach Thelasa-vei province before Deepening or face further delays.

The Presider’s aide had assured her that she would have until Deepening to present her strategy to the party leadership.

We hope you will join us after Enclave for our Deepening meal in the dining assembly.

If she didn’t find them soon, she was prepared to drop down wherever she could find an empty spot in an eating circle and start in on her dinner—or Deepening meal, or whatever the Andorians called it.

Of course, he had studied them out of the corner of his eye during the Enclave and Deepening meal, hoping to ascertain their feelings, but he was left unsatisfied.

It was well past Deepening now and he hadn’t seen her since he’d visited Phillipa in the hospital.

The western sea was shallow, spiked with tiny islands, deepening finally into a great crevasse of several thousand square miles before the sprawling arm and exaggerated peninsular fist of the eastern continent pouted seaward.

Sean mused, slyly deepening the faint trace of Irish lilt in his voice and lifting his left eyebrow in an amused, quizzical way.

Aggravated by the stupidity and aware that the river was deepening by the minute, Red ordered the animals blindfolded, but that old trick wasn’t having any effect with the water swirling about their knees and reinforcing their sense of danger.

He opened his mouth to say that he'd be happy to talk to Cortath any time, when he saw his mother raise her finger in her signal for him to be silent and noticed the deepening scowl on his father's face.

F'lar watched, his smile deepening, as she shifted her regular features into an illusion of disagreeable ugliness.

There were other sounds in the night, and then Ramoth and Mnementh landed outside the room, deepening the shadows.

He had an impulse to call up praise of Joy's belaying skill through the deepening well of velvet darkness folding around him.

When Caleb heard the break in her breathing, his own body responded with a violent surge, his heartbeat deepening and quickening until he could count each pulse in the rigid flesh between his legs.

Unable to help her response, she moved her hips in slow counterpoint to his motions, deepening his presence within her body.