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n. (plural of deductible English)

Usage examples of "deductibles".

He just had no clue when it came to the Medicare rules and regulationswhich items were billable and which would automatically be disallowed, co-payments, deductibles, claims for fee-based services.

You're paying these million, five million dollar claims from your own pocket, tens of millions in coverage but you've kept raising your deductibles to meet your premiums up twenty percent last year probably another twenty or thirty this one and zero for your legal costs fighting these malpractice suits growing like weeds wherever you.

I mean why are you telling me all this about millions in deductibles and God knows else I can't even.

I mean you look Harry, you brought her in there and all your fine venerable old senior partners could see was dollar signs, they knew she's a problem client Bill Peyton knew it everybody knows it, she'd sue the Queen of England if it occurred to her and you're going to talk to Bill Peyton about bank loans and balance sheets and these millions in deductibles on this insurance they've got on you?

He just had no clue when it came to the Medicare rules and regulations-which items were billable and which would automatically be disallowed, co-payments, deductibles, claims for fee-based services.

So while President Fairbank was running around focus-grouping about tariffs on Brazilian steel and whether to increase Medicaid deductibles by four percent, Morgan Boyd was busy sketching out a plan to secure the future of our way of life.