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Decretum may refer to:

  • The Decretum Gratiani is a collection of Canon law compiled in the twelfth century by a jurist named Gratian.
  • Decretum Gelasianum, traditionally attributed to Pope Gelasius I, contains a list of works adjudged apocryphal.
  • Decretum de Iudaeis is the name given to the series of draft documents of the Second Vatican Council which led to ground-breaking progress in the Church's relations with Jews.
  • The Decretum of Burchard of Worms, a collection of Canon law compiled the early eleventh century.

Usage examples of "decretum".

The little that is known concerning the author of the Concordantia discordantium canonum, more generally called the Decretum Gratiani, must be gathered from the work itself.

It is uncertain at what time he compiled the Decretum, but it was commonly held to have been completed in 1151.

The Corpus includes the following collections of cannons and decretals: The Decretum of Gratian (1142), the Liber Extra (1234), the Liber Sextus (1298), the Constitutiones Clementinae (1318 or 1317), and the two books of Extravagantes, -- the Extravagantes of John XXIV, and the Extravagantes Communes.

De eo coacti referre praetores decretum fecerunt 'Ut Brutulus Papius Romanis dederetur.

The most celebrated of his many works is the Breuiarium extrauagantium (later called Compilatio prima antiqua), a collection of canonical texts comprising ancient canons not inserted in the Decretum of Gratian, as also various later documents.

He also wrote a Summa on the Decretum of Gratian, which has been considered the most extensive and one of the most valuable commentaries of the time.