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The Collaborative International Dictionary

declassify \declassify\ v. to lift the restriction on publication [of documents] by reducing or eliminating the secrecy classification of.

Note: usually applied to government documents classified as secret

Syn: make available again.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1865, originally a term in logic; with reference to state secrets, 1946; from de- + classify. Related: Declassification; declassified; declassifying.


vb. to remove the classification from; to lift the restrictions on

  1. v. lift the restriction on and make available again; "reclassify the documents" [ant: classify]

  2. [also: declassified]

Usage examples of "declassify".

Even before the Venona Project was declassified, there were subtle clues that the Roosevelt and Truman administrations were having staffing problems.

March 11, 1991, declassified 1998, provides a useful snapshot of desertions from selected Iraqi divisions.

Planet on Stardate 44765, has been partially declassified for this mission.

Besides, the same broadcast released the declassified portions of Earl White Haven's latest dispatches.

He, too, saw the shell of light attack craft maintaining careful watch on Grayson One and Queen Adrienne, and he'd heard enough about the recently declassified craft to know how lethal they were.

It took that long for things to be declassified, because of what a disaster that day was.

A third, on Alexandra's Planet on Stardate 44765, has been partially declassified for this mission.

The text of that cable has since been declassified and it recounts their conversation, with Saddam essentially telling Ambassador Glaspie that Iraq was being strangled by Kuwait and the UAE with U.

Army Component, United States Central Command (ARGENT), Battlefield Reconstruction Study: The 100 Hour Ground War, April 20, 1991, declassified version, pp.

NA-22, "The Gulf War: An Iraqi General Officer's Perspective," March 11, 1991, declassified 1998, provides a useful snapshot of desertions from selected Iraqi divisions.

Central Intelligence Agency, "Iran-Iraq Chemical Warfare Continues," November 1986, declassified version, available at www.

NA-22, "The Gulf War: An Iraqi General Officer's Perspective," March 11, 1991, declassified 1998.

Right up until the Soviet cables were declassified, they were still heatedly proclaiming Alger Hiss innocent.

But when the Venona Project was declassified, revealing decades of cable traffic between Soviet espionage agents and their American spies, it was barely noticed at the Times.

Literally months before Venona was declassified, Griffin Fariello released an inadvertently hilarious book titled Red Scare: Memories of the American Inquisition.