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n. (plural of decipherment English)

Usage examples of "decipherments".

For at table at the Riverbank cottages they heard gaudy tales of lusty Elizabethan life, of the not-so-Virgin Queen, of courtiers' intrigues and the secret histories of the great names of English history—all actually invalid decipherments of Shakespeare's plays tending to prove that Bacon had written them, related by the gentle, upright, but self-deluded woman who had "deciphered" them, Mrs.

They may run test decipherments, simulating rotors wired in various ways and turning in various periods, and print out the test solutions at rates up to 600 lines per minute, starring those solutions that statistically most resemble plaintext.

Each country's Commission possesses its Archive of the Game, that is, the register of all hitherto examined and accepted symbols and decipherments, whose number long ago by far exceeded the number of the ancient Chinese ideographs.