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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Decamp \De*camp"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Decamped (?; 215); p. pr. & vb. n. Decamping.] [F. d['e]camper; pref. d['e]- (L. dis) + camp camp. See Camp.]

  1. To break up a camp; to move away from a camping ground, usually by night or secretly.

  2. Hence, to depart suddenly; to run away; -- generally used disparagingly.

    The fathers were ordered to decamp, and the house was once again converted into a tavern.


vb. (present participle of decamp English)

Usage examples of "decamping".

The more he contemplated her character, the more difficult the conquest seemed to be: he therefore altered his plan, and resolved to carry on his operations under the shelter of honourable proposals, foreseeing that a wife of her qualifications, if properly managed, would turn greatly to the account of the husband, or, if her virtue should prove refractory, that he could at any time rid himself of the encumbrance, by decamping without beat of drum, after he should be cloyed with possession.

He imparted this suggestion to the Tyrolese, who approved the proposal of decamping, though he combated with all his might our hero's inclination to withdraw himself before the trial, by repeating the assurances of the solicitor, who told him he might depend upon being reimbursed by the sentence of the court for great part of the sums he had expended in the course of the prosecution.

Then we'll be decamping before they can realize where the balls came from.

While that was going on, the leaders of the government—demoralized by finding that they no longer had enough loyal soldiers even to protect themselves, let alone to maintain the tottering Republic—decided abruptly not to be government leaders any more, at least not in Paris, and were hastily decamping from every government office.

He had planned to avoid Megan and the girls by decamping while it was still dark.

It was no good decamping because the first taste of him was unpleasant.

They were all too prone to succumb to the attentions of box men and amateurs in ski masksif the bank president did not beat them to the punch by cleaning out the vaults and decamping to Brazil.