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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Decalog \Dec"a*log\ (?; 115), n. Decalogue.


n. (alternative form of decalogue English)

Usage examples of "decalog".

The Word and, in particular, the precepts of the Decalog are the means with those who acknowledge all kinds of murder, adultery, theft and false witness to be sins.

But pray, listen: all human beings who are born, however numerous and of whatever religion, can be saved if only they acknowledge God and live according to the precepts of the Decalog, which forbid committing murder, adultery, theft, and false witness because to do such things is contrary to religion and therefore contrary to God.

Such are meant now in the first commandment of the Decalog under those who worship other gods.

Once a religion is established in a nation the Lord leads that nation according to the precepts and tenets of its own religion, and He has provided that there should be precepts in every religion like those in the Decalog, that God should be worshiped, His name not be profaned, a holy day be observed, that parents be honored, murder, adultery and theft not be committed, and false witness not be spoken.

Those who do so and do not worship the image itself as God are saved if they also live by the precepts of the Decalog from religious principle.

Lord as Son of God and live according to the precepts of the Decalog, which they also have, shunning evils as sins, come into a heaven called the Mohammedan heaven.

Furthermore, everyone who is born a Christian is aware that evils are to be shunned as sins because the Decalog is put into the hands of every boy and girl and is taught by parents and teachers.

The citizens of a kingdom and especially the common people are examined by the priest on the Decalog alone, which is recited from memory, for what they know of the Christian religion, and are also admonished to do what is commanded in it.

Then, if he also thinks the evil is contrary to the precepts of the Decalog and regards these precepts as divine, he commits the evil of set purpose and by so doing plunges to a depth from which he can be brought out only by active repentance.

Here is the reason why there are two tables of the Decalog, one having reference to God and the other to man.

That these two are primary in all religion is evident from the fact that they are the two which the Decalog teaches.

The Decalog was the first of the Word, promulgated by Jehovah from Mount Sinai by a living voice, and also inscribed on two tables of stone by the finger of God.

The means of salvation are summed up in these two: that evils are to be shunned because they are contrary to the divine laws in the Decalog and that it be acknowledged that God exists.

Today is not the Decalog like a small, closed book or document, opened only in the hands of children and the young?

Experiment was made with a number in the spiritual world, who at mention of the Decalog or Catechism rejected it with contempt.