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n. 1 The act of debriefing, or the state of being debriefed. 2 The report of a mission or project, or the information so obtained. vb. (present participle of debrief English)


n. report of a mission or task


Debriefing is a process of:

  1. receiving an explanation,
  2. receiving information and situation-based reminders of context,
  3. reporting of measures of performance, and/or opportunities to further investigate the results of a study, investigation, or assessment of performance after participation in an immersive activity is complete.

Debriefings are most effective when conducted interactively between the participants of the immersive activity and the assessment or observation personnel. Self-facilitated After Action Reviews (AAR) or debriefings are common in small unit and crew activities, and in a training context are shown to improve Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) significantly when conducted formally using pre-defined measures of performance derived from front-end analysis. Debriefing organization can be based on linear or non-linear (or a combination of both) organization of markers used for recall. Typically the structure will use: Temporal, Spatial, Objective, and/or Performance derived markers to bring focus to a specific activity.

Usage examples of "debriefing".

Recordings of the debriefing - such as it was - are available for your review.

After such close contact with the enemy, the debriefing would certainly be intense.

When he got to debriefing, which would certainly be very soon after he made port, he would tell them that the spacecraft commander, before he was killed, and after him Ensign Terrin, had been too busy fighting the enemy to say anything about blowing up the spy ship.

It felt like he had told it a thousand times, though when he actually tried to count them up, it turned out that if he left out the debriefing sessions, a dozen would be a lot closer to the truth.

He told us in debriefing how all three of you had abandoned the spy ship and were trying to reach the courier, and there was some kind of weapon blast, and he was the only one to make it.

When it came time for a more serious and detailed debriefing, back at Port Diamond, Traskeluk pleaded that his memory of those last long minutes on the spy ship and outside it was still fragmentary and confused.

Later, when the debriefing sessions seemed safely over, Traskeluk began to try to develop a scenario in his mind, one in which he stood confronting Gift.

There might be a few tests, yes, but after suitable decontamination and quarantine, and no doubt tedious debriefing, they would be sent home on well-deserved furlough, then reassigned.

I have escorted the visitors to Port Central, you will wait for my debriefing, or that of Lieutenant Lu Wai.

All her reasoning still came back to the point that if she did not make an attempt to kill Van Makass, it would be found out by Correction Officers in the debriefing and she would be condemned to death out of hand.

However, debriefing of everyone exposed to certain disasters may be unnecessary.

Different people had handled their respective debriefings, and like as not there had been some administrative foul-upthere usually was.

Warren gave the debriefing officer his combat account, chalking out his dive maneuver on the blackboard, while the jubilant pilot talk went on and on-who had gotten a hit, who had missed, who had been attacked by Zeroes, who had been seen on fire or going in the water, who might have ditched on the return leg.

At last Drew concluded what he automatically thought of as his debriefing, indeed his second of the night.

Flat on the bed with my eyes shut, but the muscles wouldn't let go and I couldn't shift into alpha waves because there is no excuse, there is no conceivable excuse for putting off debriefing by your director in the field at any given time during the mission.