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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Debate \De*bate"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Debated; p. pr. & vb. n. Debating.] [OF. debatre, F. d['e]battre; L. de + batuere to beat. See Batter, v. t., and cf. Abate.]

  1. To engage in combat for; to strive for.

    Volunteers . . . thronged to serve under his banner, and the cause of religion was debated with the same ardor in Spain as on the plains of Palestine.

  2. To contend for in words or arguments; to strive to maintain by reasoning; to dispute; to contest; to discuss; to argue for and against.

    A wise council . . . that did debate this business.

    Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself.
    --Prov. xxv. 9.

    Syn: To argue; discuss; dispute; controvert. See Argue, and Discuss.

  1. disputed, under discussion, not settled. v

  2. (en-past of: debate)

Usage examples of "debated".

He started to zip the bag closed, debated, and then threw in the Midol as well.

Years later he would build the hotly debated BBC communications center in London, and the arguments might rage for a thousand years and still no one would know (except for Ben himself) that the communications center was nothing but the glass corridor of the Derry Public Library stood on end.

I had been hotly debated, both in the council's public meetings and in the letters-to-the-editor columns of the Derry News.

Liriel debated for a moment whether to risk creating a true light and decided it might be wise to view the trap through the eyes of those who had created it.

I'd picked up a fingerprint kit at a trade show recently and for a moment I debated about dusting for latents.

I actually debated just putting a bullet into his knee for the hell of it.

I briefly debated the idea of getting her out of here, before he managed to get to her.

They were all still beautiful in their nudity, and I debated forcing them to stay disheveled for a day to see how they’d take it.

The Federation police chief stared at the spool and debated whether or not to ask how it had been obtained-it certainly hadn't come through his office .

As the source of the recent dreadful revelation, Charles debated answering it.

Coming back into the dark living room, he debated whether to stay on the ground floor or go upstairs.

He debated whether he should have continued to watch the building from the street.

Berry and Orleans were both opposed, and when the proposal was debated in the French Council, several members objected on the ground that a marriage without a peace was unnatural.

The issues aroused the fiercest philosophical and religious, not to say material, controversies, which were debated through a succession of Councils over a period of forty years.

He was a wise man and together we debated many mysteries over the course of half a year.