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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Deadliness \Dead"li*ness\, n. The quality of being deadly.


n. 1 The degree to which a thing is deadly. 2 The quality of being deadly. 3 tedium, or the quality of being boring


n. the quality of being deadly [syn: lethality]

Usage examples of "deadliness".

On my right stood His Deadliness Jabbar, with his own throng of bodyguards.

His Deadliness gazed out over the plain a moment, then whirled around and pointed his scepter at the signal masters.

I was sure to raise in His Deadliness, I boldly stepped up to the Dark Lords.

Behind them, the two troops of the Ebon Spur mounted their black-horned war bulls and formed their lines, the Black Helms of Most High Haroun to the left of the road and the Purple Lancers of His Deadliness Jabbar to the right.

His Deadliness glared at Haroun, grinding his teeth as he thought how to disguise his mistake.

With no thought to the ire I was sure to raise in His Deadliness, I boldly stepped up to the Dark Lords.

Haroun and Jabbar lay less than two paces away, the Most High still sprawled over His Deadliness, all but hidden beneath a mound of dead and dying bodyguards.

Machines swarmed through the air, ran in sleek low-slung deadliness over the earth.

The fulfillment of his dream was half a lifetime away, on the other side of the Exile and deadliness he might not yet imagine.

There can be little doubt that the deadliness of the valley is a tradition rather than a reality.

She smiled at that, then marveled again at the deadliness and simplicity of its design.

Ship after ship vanished in the white flares of nuclear explosions, before the fleet rayed out to escape the deadliness of the bombardment.

In that profoundest and intensest of all his profound and intense passages, the apostle has occasion to seek about for some expression, some epithet, some adjective, as we say, to apply to sin so as to help him to bring out to his Roman readers something of the malignity, deadliness, and unspeakable evil of sin as he had sin living and working in himself.

Wulfgar was truly awe-stricken with the power and deadliness of the throw, but he worried about how effectively he could fight off the third giant with a small dagger, the only weapon he had left.

He knew she had others like him who served her, and Baraca reminded him of the deadliness of her wrath.