a. (obsolete spelling of dead English)
Usage examples of "deade".
That lord is now of Thebes the city, Fulfilled of ire and of iniquity, He for despite, and for his tyranny, To do the deade bodies villainy*, *insult Of all our lorde's, which that been y-slaw, *slain Hath all the bodies on an heap y-draw, And will not suffer them by none assent Neither to be y-buried, nor y-brent*, *burnt But maketh houndes eat them in despite.
The deade sleep, for weary business, Fell on this carpenter, right as I guess, About the curfew-time, or little more, For *travail of his ghost* he groaned sore, *anguish of spirit* *And eft he routed, for his head mislay.
The fiend answered, "Nay: Sometimes we feign, and sometimes we arise With deade bodies, in full sundry wise, And speak as reas'nably, and fair, and well, As to the Pythoness did Samuel: And yet will some men say it was not he.
The Breton clerk him asked of fellaws The which he hadde known in olde daws,* *days And he answer'd him that they deade were, For which he wept full often many a tear.
Great wonder is, how that he could or might Be doomesman* of her deade beauty: *judge The wine to bringe him commanded he, And drank anon.
The people out start, and cast the cart to ground And in the middle of the dung they found The deade man, that murder'd was all new.
Hereat hark'd* she so long in good intent, *listened Till at the last the deade sleep her hent.
The odds we've stacked against Kelly meeting his goal and deade are staggering.