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dead ducks

n. (plural of dead duck English)

Usage examples of "dead ducks".

Its paneled walls, crystal-hung chandelier, marble-fronted fireplace, and inlaid floor gave it the appearance of one of the less cozy rooms in a small palace There were also two tasteful portraits of dead ducks which had been added as a finishing touch by some tenant during the eighties and which still remained upon the walls to Ricky’.

Its paneled walls, crystal-hung chandelier, marble-fronted fireplace, and inlaid floor gave it the appearance of one of the less cozy rooms in a small palace There were also two tasteful portraits of dead ducks which had been added as a finishing touch by some tenant during the eighties and which still remained upon the walls to Ricky's unholy joy.

From a tree at the water's edge he cut strips of bark and twisted these into strings to tie the dead ducks into bunches.

Sufficient to keep them from drowning in a river or enabling them to make a quick swim to shore or a raft, but considering their forward center of gravity, out here they'd be dead ducks.

They were dead ducks, and because of that they swung a little wide going round the last bend into the straight.

There are dead ducks and rabbits hanging on the wall panels, in bouquets of carrots, petunias and string beans.

They finally found it under some shed, I hear, where he kept dead ducks and geese.