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The Collaborative International Dictionary

deactivation \de*ac`ti*va"tion\, n. The act or process of deactivating.


n. the act of deactivate something, such as a bomb

  1. n. breaking up a military unit (by transfers or discharges) [syn: inactivation]

  2. the act of deactivating or making ineffective (as a bomb) [syn: defusing] [ant: activation]


Deactivation may refer to;

  • Protein denaturation, the process of disrupting the structure of proteins or nucleic acids
  • Drug metabolism
  • Sterilization (microbiology), the process of killing or deactivating all life and other biological agents, rendering them unable to cause disease, function, or replicate

Usage examples of "deactivation".

Kirk stop, kicked at the deactivation switch to shut off the communicator.

Proceed immediately to the nurse ships for deactivation, servicing, and replacement.

But I have some news for those gloomy sensors of yours: No matter what you may choose to parade before my photoreceptors, you will never again hear me express concerns about deactivation.

A separate search function pulled up droid deactivations as well, of which there were many.

Holding a deactivation tool out in front of him like a pistol, Rufus Chews confronted the vacuum cleaner while his similarly armed wife tried to work her way around behind the desk.