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vb. (en-past of: deactivate)

Usage examples of "deactivated".

Anakin deactivated his lightsaber and, still not responding to Jaina or Lomi, stepped away.

Yuuzhan Vong rearguard was pouring around the devastation on all sides, trading fusillades with Fleet Group One as they streamed past into the deactivated mine shell.

A gesture toward the nav console deactivated the belly-mounted Sunfire flame projector.

She then deactivated her translator just long enough to trill four melodic notes, and walked into the room as the door slid back.

Gold watched them intently, and even after the computer had deactivated he continued to stare at the empty space where they had appeared.

He disappeared inside his cabin, Kerr deactivated the camera, and the three of us followed Gabriel to the first wash basin and soap I had seen in a very long time.

He deactivated the machine, then walked across the glowing carpet that was woven from exotic alien filaments.

Oh, I deactivated it all right, but I left in a code I could give to have it be carried out anyway.

For now, the warp core rode deep inside a Romulan photon-mine battery, concealed among the equally silver hulls of their deactivated weapons.

By the third one, Rydell had reached over, deactivated the door-lock, and just sort of fallen out.