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de Kooning

n. United States painter (born in the Netherlands) who was a leading American exponent of abstract expressionism (1904-1997) [syn: Willem de Kooning]

Usage examples of "de kooning".

The wall space not taken up by guns, regimental flags, and framed photos of soldiers displayed several giant abstract expressionist paintings--- de Kooning, Newman, and Rothko.

There was an elegantly furnished waiting room but I barely had time to sit down on an authentic pre-Hegira de Kooning before an aide appeared and ushered me into the CEO’.

There was an elegantly furnished waiting room but I barely had time to sit down on an authentic pre-Hegira de Kooning before an aide appeared and ushered me into the CEO's private office.

The only two things that I definitely would scrap are the painting on the living-room wall by de Kooning and the electric fireplace in the spare bedroom.

He had been a drinking companion of Jackson Pollock, friend of De Kooning.

Paintings by artists Jackson Pollock, Paul Klee, Willem de Kooning and other notables were on view throughout the ship.

A place where Camus and Sartre were still revered, and de Kooning and Pollock were gods.

Oversized books with many color plates ran the gamut from Egyptian and primitive to Frankenthaler and de Kooning, with a heavy emphasis on the European masters of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Next to that, a small abstract canvas that turned out to be a De Kooning.