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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dazzlement \Daz"zle*ment\, n. Dazzling flash, glare, or burst of light.


n. 1 A burst or flash of light; a cause of dazzle. 2 (context sometimes figuratively English) The condition of being dazzled.

Usage examples of "dazzlement".

The ghostly visions were fading like the lingering dazzlement in eyes that had stared too directly at the sun.

Two days after, he pushed through the thornbush where the city had been and stopped in dazzlement when he found the tall craft standing in an open space, blindingly white.

When their eyes were clear from the dazzlement they saw the young man lying huddled forward on the earthen floor, beside the pallet where the child lay dead.

They floated, rather than walked, up to the royal dais, and there prostrated themselves two by two before the King, whose fiery glance rested upon them more carelessly than tenderly,--and as they rose, they threw back their veils, displaying to full view such exquisite faces, such languishing, brilliant eyes, such snowwhite necks and arms, such graceful voluptuous forms, that Theos caught at the tapestry near him in reeling dazzlement of sight and sense, and wondered how Sah-luma seated tranquilly in the reflective attitude he had assumed, could maintain so unmoved and indifferent a demeanor.