Crossword clues for daylong
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Which lasts a day, or approximately so. adv. Throughout the day.
adj. lasting through an entire day
adv. during the entire day; "light pours daylong into the parlor" [syn: all day long]
Usage examples of "daylong".
CHAPTER 11 They Come to the Vale of Sweet Chestnuts When they went on their way next morning they found little change in the pass, and they rode the dread highway daylong, and it was still the same: so they rested a little before nightfall at a place where there was water running out of the rocks, but naught else for their avail.
There they lay not long, but were afoot betimes in the morning, and rode swiftly daylong, and lay down at night on the wayside with the less dread because they were come so far without hurt.
Cowboys lounged in the shaded areas, seeking relief from the daylong heat that had baked metal surfaces until they were too hot to touch.
On the fifth day past the Kadarin, they camped on the lower slope of the road up into Scaravel, after daylong travel in thin flurrying snow that cut visibility to a few horse-lengths ahead.
After this harrowing daylong pursuit Amelia Sachs was accepting nothing at face value.
The band belonged to a regiment that had gone on a daylong route march, leaving their musicians to entertain the sullen Virginian townspeople.
Christopher, was arrested for selling marijuana to grammar-school students in suburban Washington, his father spent three nights, after daylong meetings of his committee on the Moon, pleading with police and district attorneys not to send his boy to a house of correction, and on the afternoon of the fourth day, during a heated debate on whether the surface of the Moon might be composed of deep dust into which a landing vehicle might sink never to be seen again, he leaned forward onto the table, collapsed, and slipped sideways to the floor.
The children could be signed up for sailing lessons, daylong sailing lessons, overnight sailing lessons that involved trips to uninhabited islands where they would be left for three days with an iron pot and a book of matches and a jug of fresh water and be told to find their own ways home.
The scraping of the mortar as the daylong task of grinding corn began.
They were full of stirabout and akh, which was good, but they were feeling the damp after daylong rain that was bad.
But let me also tell you of when the world went wrong, of hairy faces violet with rage and accusation, of sudden disappearances, of lunches that never got made, of sweet peas gone dead on the vine, of once-meek women with pursed lips and bulging forehead veins, of gardens gone unweeded, of lawyers visiting from Vancouverthe mood of collapse, of disintegrationof the daylong scenery-free drive, in the back of a rusting Econoline van, the rear doors opening on Lancaster at night, a town as dry as the island was lush, as barren as the commune was dense.
Where they wanted cover they had left the trees alone, and only the daylong ponderous duel between mangon and arblast had spattered the branches with shot and littered the snow with splintered boughs.
The road crawled through the worst of the scorched forest and, since it was the site of much of the daylong battle between the dalesmen and the army from Zhentil Keep, most of the destruction wrought by the combatants was centered upon it.