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dawning on

vb. (present participle of dawn on English)

Usage examples of "dawning on".

And dawning on the far horizon of her mind, as she watched the Chosen come together in preparation, was the possibility that something similar to friendship could exist on a larger scale.

It was rapidly dawning on me that there might not be that much I could do about it, either.

A hot vintage, my Lord, Flagg thought, a grin dawning on his narrow face.

Creating an unassailable kingdom for himself within the Ninth Directorate, a bastion from which to strike outward at the right time, to lead the motherland onward to global victory, was just dawning on him.

On top of the general suspicion of witches, it was dawning on the few people in Lancre who had any dealings with the outside world that a) either more things had been happening than they had heard about before or b) time was out of joint.

It was dawning on them that the fight was lost, and many looked back towards the safety of the gun emplacements.