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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Daughter cell

Daughter \Daugh"ter\, n.; pl. Daughters; obs. pl. Daughtren. [OE. doughter, doghter, dohter, AS. dohtor, dohter; akin to OS. dohtar, D. dochter, G. tochter, Icel. d[=o]ttir, Sw. dotter, Dan. dotter, datter, Goth. da['u]htar,, OSlav. d[u^]shti, Russ. doche, Lith. dukt[=e], Gr. qyga`thr, Zend. dughdhar, Skr. duhit[.r]; possibly originally, the milker, cf. Skr. duh to milk. [root]68, 245.]

  1. The female offspring of the human species; a female child of any age; -- applied also to the lower animals.

  2. A female descendant; a woman.

    This woman, being a daughter of Abraham.
    --Luke xiii. 16.

    Dinah, the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughter of the land.
    --Gen. xxxiv. 1.

  3. A son's wife; a daughter-in-law.

    And Naomi said, Turn again, my daughters.
    --Ruth. i. 11.

  4. A term of address indicating parental interest.

    Daughter, be of good comfort.
    --Matt. ix. 22.

    Daughter cell (Biol.), one of the cells formed by cell division. See Cell division, under Division.

daughter cell

n. A cell produced by reproductive division of a cell during mitosis or meiosis.

daughter cell

n. a cell formed by the division or budding of another cell; "anthrax grows by dividing into two daughter cells that are generally identical"

Usage examples of "daughter cell".

When an animal is ready to reproduce, its germ-cellsor reproductive cellseach divide into two daughter cells called gametes, each daughter cell possessing one-half the chromosomes of the parent cell, every chromosome in each gamete corresponding to an opposite number chromosome in the other.

The seal would be immaculate, for it was also the seal of Polesworths daughter cell at Godrics Ford.

During mitosis every chromosome pair replicates and one of the two identical sets of chromosome pairs migrates to each daughter cell, which now has a genotype identical to the mother cell.

They joined them so seamlessly that we cannot even figure out how they breed: whether they do it by conventional biological cell fission (this would mean that all the information about the cyborg's mechanical part is stored in the genes), or whether the mechanical part of the daughter cell still has to be completed using mechanical manipulator arms of the mother cell.