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date rape drug

n. 1 A drug with sedative, hypnotic, dissociative, and/or amnesiac effects which is used to assist in the commission of a sexual assault (date rape). 2 # In particular, the drug flunitrazepam ("roofies").

Date rape drug

A date rape drug, also referred to as a predator drug, is any drug that is an incapacitating agent which, when administered to another person, incapacitates the person and renders them vulnerable to a drug facilitated sexual assault (DFSA), including rape. The most common types of DFSA are those in which a victim consumes a recreational drug such as alcohol administered surreptitiously. The most common form of DFSA is alcohol-related, with the victim in most cases consuming the alcohol voluntarily. Other date rape drugs include rohypnol, ketamine and gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB).