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darning needles

n. (darning needle English)

Usage examples of "darning needles".

Suicide slung darning needles into the first three so fast, each seemed to sprout a lance in the belly as if by magic.

It did not matter that officers serving in larger vessels referred to the couriers as flying darning needles.

Arthritis jabbed blunt darning needles into the joints of her hips and knees.

There was a thin layer of real snow, but beneath that were compacted darning needles of ice and we walked upon their tips.

She opened one drawer and pulled out a basket containing thick darning needles and twine.

Homily knitted their jerseys and stockings on black-headed pins, and, sometimes, on darning needles.

You may tell Miss Smith that I forgot to make a memorandum of the darning needles, but she shall have some papers sent in next week.

It felt as if steel darning needles were being jammed into his ears.

Long thin needle teeth that looked almost like darning needles, stickin out of its mouth.

The needles were about the size of ordinary darning needles, and answered the purpose very well.

Two stilettos as thin as darning needles rested beneath a garroting wire with narrow metal handles.