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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sb’s face darkens (=they start to look angry or threatening)
▪ She handed him the letter and his face darkened.
the darkening sky (=becoming darker)
▪ Benjamin stared up at the darkening sky.
the sky darkens
▪ The sky darkened and thunder rolled in from the west.
▪ His temporarily revived spirits darkened again with the days.
▪ He slips, falls back, clambers up, repents, things begin to darken again.
▪ Some smiled, some frowned, and the King's face darkened at the beggar's pride and shamelessness.
▪ His face had darkened with shame at having his pleasure aroused in public by one of his daughters.
▪ Mr Mullen's face seemed to darken and swell, and Anna retreated behind Jimmy.
▪ The girl's face darkened slightly when the woman stepped into view.
▪ She gazed into his face, and they darkened.
▪ To Carrefour, her face seemed to darken, perhaps in shadow.
▪ If you're going to use slides, see that the room can be darkened easily - and check your sightlines.
▪ When I woke up, the room was darkening.
▪ The room darkened momentarily as a cloud hid the sun's rays.
▪ She drank the last of her wine as the room darkened.
▪ The room darkened oddly, perhaps a trick of the electricity.
▪ The room darkened, and Culley's outline melded into blackness beside her.
▪ When the room was darkened she was aware of a glow from the street.
▪ The sky had darkened, clouds had gathered, and birds were returning, flying in belatedly to feed their chicks.
▪ Each afternoon the skies darkened and a violent cleansing rainstorm swept the town.
▪ In minutes the sky had darkened and a heavy rainstorm was lacing the fields before me.
▪ The party broke up early when the sky darkened and the first drops of rain fell.
▪ The sky had darkened and thunder rolled in the west.
▪ When he got outside, the sky had darkened.
▪ The bright light of Provence changed theatrically as the sky darkened to grey, then turned slate purple.
▪ A cleaning solution shouldn't darken the wood.
▪ In a few minutes the sky darkened and heavy rain began to fall.
▪ The news darkened their view of the situation.
▪ The skies darkened and the wind grew stronger.
▪ We walked along the shore as the sun's last rays winked over the darkening sea, then headed for home.
▪ With the economy entering a slump, the computer industry's future could darken further.
▪ Any minute now his eyes would darken until they seemed almost black with the sheer emanation of his will.
▪ As for the guy with the artificially darkened beard, I got news for you, pal.
▪ Being a violet blue, it can be darkened further with a yellow-orange.
▪ Even with this stratagem the blue of sky and the green of palm trees is darkened considerably.
▪ His eyes had immediately darkened, and his entire body had taken on an aggressive stance.
▪ How extraordinary, he thought, entering the darkened room.
▪ She sat in the small darkened living room in the ugly little house in Palo Alto.
▪ When I woke up, the room was darkening.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Darken \Dark"en\, v. i. To grow or darker.


Darken \Dark"en\ (d[aum]rk"'n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Darkened (-'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Darkening (-n*[i^]ng).] [AS. deorcian. See Dark, a.]

  1. To make dark or black; to deprive of light; to obscure; as, a darkened room.

    They [locusts] covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened.
    --Ex. x. 15.

    So spake the Sovran Voice; and clouds began To darken all the hill.

  2. To render dim; to deprive of vision.

    Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see.
    --Rom. xi. 10.

  3. To cloud, obscure, or perplex; to render less clear or intelligible.

    Such was his wisdom that his confidence did seldom darkenhis foresight.

    Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
    --Job. xxxviii. 2.

  4. To cast a gloom upon.

    With these forced thoughts, I prithee, darken not The mirth of the feast.

  5. To make foul; to sully; to tarnish.

    I must not think there are Evils enough to darken all his goodness.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c. 1300, "to make dark;" late 14c., "to become dark," from dark (adj.) + -en (1). The more usual verb in Middle English was simply dark, as it is in Chaucer and Shakespeare, and darken did not predominate until 17c. The Anglo-Saxons also had a verb sweorcan meaning "to grow dark." To darken someone's door (usually with a negative) is attested from 1729.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To make dark or darker by reducing light. 2 (context intransitive English) To become dark or darker (having less light). 3 (context transitive English) To make dark or darker in colour. 4 (context intransitive English) To become dark or darker in colour. 5 (context transitive English) To render gloomy, darker in mood 6 (context intransitive English) To become gloomy, darker in mood 7 (context transitive English) To blind, impair eyesight 8 (context intransitive English) To be blinded, loose clear vision 9 To cloud, obscure, or perplex; to render less clear or intelligible. 10 To make foul; to sully; to tarnish.

  1. v. become dark or darker; "The sky darkened" [ant: brighten]

  2. become or make darker; "The screen darkend"; "He darkened the colors by adding brown" [syn: dim] [ant: brighten]

  3. tarnish or stain; "a scandal that darkened the family's good name"

  4. make dark or darker; "darken a room" [ant: brighten]


Darken is a completed webcomic set in a Dungeons & Dragons-style fantasy world, featuring a cast of morally ambiguous or outright evil characters led by Gort, lord of hellfire. It is based on a story by Mike Foulks.

Darken is one of the more popular members of Cornstalker Webcomic Collective. It was originally a member of Comicgenesis since its creation in December 2003 and was later a member of Keenspot from July 2006 until January 2010. It ended on October 17th, and the artist went on to make a new comic, Widdershins.

Darken (disambiguation)

Darken is a webcomic set in a Dungeons & Dragons-style fantasy world.

Darken (film)

A digital sci-fi/horror film, produced by Shaftesbury Films' Smokebomb Entertainment and directed by Audrey Cummings, to be released in 2017.

Usage examples of "darken".

These cases of the simultaneous darkening or blackening of the glands from the action of weak solutions are important, as they show that all the glands absorbed the carbonate within the same time, which fact indeed there was not the least reason to doubt.

The image quickly darkened and solidified until the academician appeared as solid as Bandar.

Next add a strong solution of sodium acetate, until the solution ceases to darken on further addition, then dilute with water to half a litre.

After cooling, a solution of sodium acetate is added until the colour of the solution is no longer darkened.

He looked down on her still, white face and bright hair, and he felt his heart contract with pain to see them darken ever so faintly and beautifully under the brilliant operating light, rich in actinic rays.

I recollect his warmth of heart and high sense, and your beauty, gentleness, charms of conversation, and purely disinterested love for one whose great worldly advantages might so easily bias or adulterate affection, I own that I have no dread for your future fate, no feeling that can at all darken the brightness of anticipation.

CHAPTER 13 SUNDAY, 12 MAY 0530 GREENWICH MEAN TIME Go had bay sixty miles east OF point hotel USS seawolf 1330 beijing time Pacino watched from the galley door to the darkened wardroom as the officers concentrated on the large projection screen on the aft wall.

The landlord darkened noticeably at this, and Alec gave Seregil a startled glance, which he pointedly ignored.

Flewelling Alec and Micum met Myrhini in a darkened square near Hind Street.

In the clearing around the Twins many of the Amar were already asleep, rolled tight into their sleeping leathers, their heads covered, their toes naked to the darkening night.

If, as has chanced to others--as chanced, for example, to Mangan-- outcast from home, health and hope, with a charred past and a bleared future, an anchorite without detachment and self-cloistered without self-sufficingness, deposed from a world which he had not abdicated, pierced with thorns which formed no crown, a poet hopeless of the bays and a martyr hopeless of the palm, a land cursed against the dews of love, an exile banned and proscribed even from the innocent arms of childhood--he were burning helpless at the stake of his unquenchable heart, then he might have been inconsolable, then might he have cast the gorge at life, then have cowered in the darkening chamber of his being, tapestried with mouldering hopes, and hearkened to the winds that swept across the illimitable wastes of death.

This time he watched with intense fascination as the areola on each breast darkened and her nipples peaked.

When dismal afternoon began to darken into evening, the werod clamored to hear from the atheling himself.

A few moments later and the great hall of the Bailliage presented much the same aspect as that of the Salle des gardes at Blois on the day when Christophe was put to the torture and the Duc de Guise was proclaimed lieutenant-governor of the kingdom,--with the single exception that whereas love and joy overflowed the royal chamber and the Guises triumphed, death and mourning now reigned within that darkened room, and the Guises felt that power was slipping through their fingers.

With immense relief, Nathan reaches inside, peering down at the darkened beeper display.