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n. (plural of dapple English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: dapple)

Usage examples of "dapples".

He was unusually pale-skinned, and the mark took the form of grey dapples, like fern-patterns on the skin, that extended from his forehead down over his cheek to his shoulder.

Her face was masked with marshflower dapples, and raisin-dark eyes glowed.

She had albino dapples down her bare arms, and on her hands the veins stood up with age.

Small dapples of fawn-color, lion-color, flushed across her cheeks and brows.

The Dappled People had driven them out from their homes and farms, and a curse from the Dapples had made his people wanderers, doomed to live by raids and thefts and blood instead of tending plants and orchards.

The way he spoke of the Dapples as immensely powerful sorcerers who lived in ease among their vast riches confused me for several days.

The sunrise turned the sky a rosy pink, fluffed with little clouds as white as innocence, and their shadows put dapples of emerald on the ordinary green fields, dapples of sapphire on the ordinary blue mountains.

Alas, they have lost their dapples, but they were friendly and not at all timid of us.

In the bulb-lit fish tank across from Sabrina’s room—all the light in the hall came from these tanks, dapples of cool aquamarine on the walls and floor—the fish swam in hypnotized and hypnotizing schools: fish with stripes or spots, fish with lacy wedding-gown fins and tails, fish with see-through skins and bones aglow like tiny Christmas trees.

So’d their shadows, moving us out from under an afghan of shifting dapples into a cruel flat burn of sunlight.

As Macenion had said, its fur was white and blue-gray, patterned with dapples that reminded Paks of snowflakes enlarged.

She had not really believed her ring was magic until the great beast crouched motionless on the trail before them, the snowflake dapples on its coat blending with the falling snow.