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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Daphne oleoides

Spurge \Spurge\, n. [OF. espurge, F. ['e]purge, from OF. espurgier to purge, L. expurgare. See Expurgate, Purge.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Euphorbia. See Euphorbia.

Spurge flax, an evergreen shrub ( Daphne Gnidium) with crowded narrow leaves. It is a native of Southern Europe.

Spurge laurel, a European shrub ( Daphne Laureola) with oblong evergreen leaves.

Spurge nettle. See under Nettle.

Spurge olive, an evergreen shrub ( Daphne oleoides) found in the Mediterranean region.

Daphne oleoides

Daphne oleoides is a shrub of the family Thymelaeaceae. It is native to the southern Europe, northern Africa, and Asia Minor.