Dano-Norwegian ( Danish and Norwegian: dansk-norsk) is a koiné that evolved among the urban elite in Norwegian cities during the later years of the union between the Kingdoms of Denmark and Norway (1536–1814). It is from this koiné that Riksmål and Bokmål developed. Bokmål is now the most widely used written standard of contemporary Norwegian.
Dano-Norwegian (disambiguation)
The adjective and derived noun Dano-Norwegian means " Danish and Norwegian". It can have two related meanings:
- It can refer to the former (1536-1814) union between Denmark and Norway or its people; or by extension to anything relating to both of its two titular composite countries, Denmark and Norway (see Dano-Norwegian)
- It can refer to the Dano-Norwegian language, formerly a Norwegian variant of the Danish language and predecessor of the Bokmål written standard of the modern Norwegian language. (Cf. Gøtudanskt)