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DaniWeb IT Discussion Community is an online IT message board. The website initially gained attention amongst the vBulletin community for its unique method of building an entire site, including proprietary content management system, exclusively on top of the vBulletin forum framework (in the first quarter of 2012, DaniWeb converted from vBulletin to a framework developed in-house).

DaniWeb began gaining widespread attention throughout the search engine optimization industry in 2005,and the founder is Dani Horowitz.

More recently, DaniWeb began publishing and featuring IT news which has subsequently received mainstream attention in the media. In January 2007, DaniWeb staff writer Davey Winder published a story that TomTom GPS devices were being released from the factory virus infected. Within days, TomTom released a press release acknowledging DaniWeb's story.

In November 2007, DaniWeb acquired, a free online community targeted at professional and hobbyist Programmers.