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The Danian is the oldest age or lowermost stage of the Paleocene epoch or series, the Paleogene period or system and the Cenozoic era or erathem. The beginning of the Danian age (and the end of the preceding Maastrichtian age) is at the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event . The age ended , being followed by the Selandian age.

Usage examples of "danian".

She had died when he was very small, abducted and presumably killed by Danian brigands, a presumption that his brother amplified in order to terrorize Aufors.

I work for the Marshal, and he has me running messages to Fensbridge, near the Ramspize, to do with all these Danian cowherders coming across the border.

As they went down the Danian coast aboard the Tern, they saw several bargeloads of cargo from Bliggen, destined for the Lord Paramount, so it was said by the bargemen.

He had asked the fellow about his previous life, and Yani told him that he had served in the Danian army.

The Mori surviviors had come out of the forest to trade furs for arrowheads with the Danians, just as they had before the disaster.

The Danians and the Mori enslaved people who were captured in war until they were ransomed or gave service for some kind of blood debt.