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Danglish is a portmanteau of Danish and English. The term is used in Denmark to refer to the increasingly strong influx of English or pseudo-English vocabulary into Danish. While it has been argued that the influx of English words, similar to the import of Latin and French words in the past, makes the language more expressive, it remains controversial in many sectors of society, notably with older people, who are often less accustomed to English terms.

Many Danes fully accept a takeover of correct English expressions when a proper Danish expression either doesn't exist or can not be created for several reasons. This is particularly true for expression from the sector of modern computing and/or media. What many detest, however, is the increasing tendency of an unnecessary substitution of existing Danish words by sensible Anglicisms and, even worse, the creation of an – often distorting – pseudo-English vocabulary – preferably for marketing purposes – and referring re- and misinterpretations of the original words (whether English OR Danish).

"Danglish" is also used as a mocking expression for the poor or clumsy use of English by Danes.