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dance halls

n. (dance hall English)

Usage examples of "dance halls".

But you are all riled up like a mashed cat and it's not just her or Orlanda, it's also Line and the hundreds of available girls you've already seen and you haven't even looked in the dance halls and bars and houses where they specialize.

He would walk down Gallatin Street whenever he liked, and they'd all get real respectful, and he'd have himself beautiful high yaller girls and Creole ladies instead of whores from the dance halls, and when he was through with them he'd have their blood too, and that way no one else would have them, and that way they'd never laugh at him, not like the whores used to laugh at him sometimes, in the old bad days.

At dance halls, like the Crystal Ballroom or the Viscount Ballroom, single women are often approached by attractive young men.

Second-hand stores and Filipino dance halls, cocktails 15 cents, continuous entertainment, but I had seen them all, so many times, spent so much Colorado money in them.

My homecoming deportment on the average evening generally reinforced her suspicion that it was state of mind, not professional obligation, that drew me to the dance halls and gaming tables of the Tenderloin every night.

Still, he was a man who never entered those Cairo dance halls with me.

Though we disported in different dance halls, we moved to the same music.

His skin had the pastiness that comes of more exposure to the glare of vile dance halls than the sunlight of day.

Every penny he makes, and they are damned few, he squanders in the dance halls.

Whatever color, they didn't have the hardness he associated with the women of Minetown's dance halls.