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Dalukhadia (or Dalukhadiya) is a small village in Panchmahal district, Gujarat, India. It has a population of around 1000 people of all castes.

The main castes are Patel, Vankar and Shkatriya. Patel is the dominating caste, consisting of around 40 houses.

Majority of the people works as a Teacher; however few are at abroad or in business. The village is peaceful and attracts natural beauty as a result of having many trees and canal passing through nearby .

Many of the people from village do farming.

People mainly follow the Swaminarayan religion and there are 3 temples (to worship Shiva, Mataji and Bhathiji Maharaj).

The village has one primary school teaching grades one to four, and a Panchayat Bhavan.

There is one lake, which almost stays dry in summer and winter.

Neighbouring villages are Pavapur, Nana Sonela, Nava Karva and Lunawada.