The Collaborative International Dictionary
Dallia is a genus of mudminnows native to Russia and Alaska.
Usage examples of "dallia".
To’el Dallia moved to the end of one branch, near to Juraviel, and studied him closely.
He looked over at To’el Dallia then, still visible though she had retreated somewhat, and he noted the curious, even stunned, expression on her face.
He was even more surprised when that guest, To’el Dallia of the Touel’alfar, walked in behind the nervous master!
Later on, with construction on the house under way, Aydrian went out with his soul stone and scoured the area, locating To’el Dallia once again and taking heart that she was already looking toward the work area.
He had watched To’el Dallia, his former instructor in Andur’Blough Inninness, very carefully over the last few days, waiting for her to drift toward the new structure near the Kingsmen line, the house that he had obviously constructed as his field throne room, his command center.
Aydrian nodded and offered a smile, but mostly, he was smiling because he knew that To’el Dallia was likely already on her way to report the momentous happenings.
He didn’t bother scouting to the east and south, for the redeployment of the ten thousand to those locations was an honest one, and any spies reporting in would only confirm what To’el Dallia had no doubt relayed to Prince Midalis.
Juraviel, whom the other elves were now calling Marra-thiel Touk, or Snow Goose—a teasing reference to his apparent wanderlust—and another elf, To’el Dallia, were on the field with Brynn, chatting with her, and probably, Aydrian figured, instructing her.
How many times Aydrian had wanted to look To’el Dallia, who was his secondary instructor after Lady Dasslerond—or even the great lady of Caer’alfar herself—square in the eye and scream for them to just leave him alone!
To’el Dallia might train a dozen or more rangers after him, and would she even remember the one named Aydrian?
With even To’el Dallia nowhere to be found, the young ranger-in-training made his way to the same field where Brynn had passed her previous test.