- Some MoMA works
- Works by Salvador
- Some surreal paintings
- Some surreal art
- Certain Spanish paintings
- Works in a Catalonian museum
- Some samples of surrealism
- Some modern art
- Salvador et al
- Most works in a Catalonian museum
- Displays at a St. Petersburg, Florida, museum
- "The Sacrament of the Last Supper" and others
- "The Persistence of Memory" and "Lobster Telephone"
- "The Persistence of Memory" and "Cabaret Scene"
- "The Burning Giraffe" and "The Persistence of Memory"
- "Spain" and "The Persistence of Memory," for two
- "Shirley Temple, The Youngest, Most Sacred Monster of the Cinema in her Time" and other pieces
- "L'Elephante Giraffe" and "Lobster Telephone," for two
- "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate One Second Before Awakening" and others
- "Sleep" and "Spain," for two
- Some Surrealist paintings
- "The Persistence of Memory" and others
- "Swans Reflecting Elephants" and others
- "Galatea of the Spheres" and others
- Surrealistic works
- "Persistence of Memory," etc.
- Works of a Spanish Surrealist
- Certain display of paintings
- Display by a noted Surrealist
- Met mezzo-soprano
- Surrealist oils
- Spanish paintings
- Salvador et al.
- Some Surrealistic paintings
- Some Surrealist works
- Some museum hangings
- Some MOMA paintings