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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dainty \Dain"ty\, n.; pl. Dainties. [OE. deinie, dainte, deintie, deyntee, OF. deinti['e] delicacy, orig., dignity, honor, fr. L. dignitas, fr. dignus worthy. See Deign, and cf. Dignity.]

  1. Value; estimation; the gratification or pleasure taken in anything. [Obs.]

    I ne told no deyntee of her love.

  2. That which is delicious or delicate; a delicacy.

    That precious nectar may the taste renew Of Eden's dainties, by our parents lost.
    --Beau. & Fl.

  3. A term of fondness. [Poetic]
    --B. Jonson.

    Syn: Dainty, Delicacy.

    Usage: These words are here compared as denoting articles of food. The term delicacy as applied to a nice article of any kind, and hence to articles of food which are particularly attractive. Dainty is stronger, and denotes some exquisite article of cookery. A hotel may be provided with all the delicacies of the season, and its table richly covered with dainties.

    These delicacies I mean of taste, sight, smell, herbs, fruits, and flowers, Walks and the melody of birds.

    [A table] furnished plenteously with bread, And dainties, remnants of the last regale.


n. 1 (plural of dainty English) 2 (context plural only English) Women's undergarments.

Usage examples of "dainties".

Why don't you help yourselves so I can get these dainties into the oven?

He rose, taking Kindan's dish with him, and served them the dainties that the baker had sent over.

Milla exclaimed, passing out dainties she'd made especially for their arrival.

Master Zist and Trader Tarri were parked in a corner with a plate of Milla's best dainties and a jug of good klah close at hand.

There were none of Milla's dainties left and scant else to eat, but there was good clear water, mulled wine, and klah for the taking.

Master Zist had seen the look on his face and had worked carefully to cheer Kindan up before the Gather, finding dainties for him and talking encouragingly about the watch-wher and Kindan's sacrifice for the good of the miners.

Then they turned to the board, these heroes together—the king and the good knight—and the keen men served them double of all dainties, as was most fitting.

So it did there on that day, with many dainties at meats and meals, right quaint dishes, and brave men on the dais dressed in their best.

Once in midair it moved til and fro in sickening arcs till I thought 1 must vomit and swallowed all those dainties twice again to keep them down, though they’d lost their savor second time round.

Benedicite, signing a contract with no guarantee of a royal audience, sealing me in a con­fection, pulling me in a sickening crate to the sky, mayhap e’en planting those dainties to make me sick, for I’d oft told him my weakness for deer testicles.

How long do you retain the delicious taste of the dainties you feast upon?

Count Piotr drew her hand through his arm, and carried her off to the dining room, where he ate a late supper between demands for the latest obstetrical report, and pressed fresh garden dainties upon her that he'd brought with him from the country.

They gave her tiny dainties to eatjust as well, since she hadn't had more than two bites of dinner to hold off the effects of all that wine.

The alicorns accepted these new dainties with greed, eating until the area around the shelter had been denuded and their bellies were stuffed full.

How about serving us a platter of dainties that'd tempt him to appreciate Terran cuisine?