a. 1 In the way of a daimon; befitting a demon; fiendish. 2 Motivated by a spiritual force or genius; inspired. n. 1 (context psychology English) The unrest that exists in us all which forces us into the unknown, leading to self-destruction and/or self-discovery. 2 (context psychology spirituality mythology literature English) The journey and transition from innocence to experience; part of the process of individuation. 3 (context mythology literature English) The place where light and dark meet.
The idea of the daimonic typically means quite a few things: from befitting a demon and fiendish, to be motivated by a spiritual force or genius and inspired. As a psychological term, it has come to represent an elemental force which contains an irrepressible drive towards individuation. As a literary term, it can also mean the dynamic unrest that exists in us all that forces us into the unknown, leading to self-destruction and/or self-discovery.